CD Dead??

A good friend informs me that the CD player is going the way of the dinosaur and that digital music servers will replace the disks and the players with uncompressed downloads. Anyone else hearing this?
Cd will probably end up the way of the vinyl record - meaning it will be replaced as a mass market item, but will remain a very long time to a somewhat smaller and specialized market - audiophiles. CD's will probably even sound better in the years to come, and we might even see better players that (like turntables) will go forward in technology.

But for the masses, and the younger folks and kids, it will be Download City to the ipod or server, in my opinion.

Another issue is this - how long will it be until ipod or server music is accepted as a real alternative to cd's and records for audiophiles. This was joke material 5 years ago - no more today as the gap is narrowing - then there will be really no more NEED for the cd I think.
For the mainstream who don't give a pooh about compressed files or not the CD is already suffering at the hospice. Will you be able to buy CDs for the next 100 years absolutely. However if you want new music it will be like vinyl is today (yes I have two systems with phonos tts etc.) It cost you big mulah and then you can only choose from a selection you may not be intersted in.