Quicksilver Contact Enhancer

Hi any body tryed the above, I bought the one from Xreme AV LLC, cant say that I am happy so far I know they say to be patient and wait 21 days Iam going on 5 days, It has seem to increase the volume of the sound and it has made everything sound bright at decent volume, I had my system to a point where I was realy happy, but we always wont more and the theory makes sense and I hope I will stick it out, just interested if any body else been through the same thing and was the outcome worth the wait? or do I wipe it off and send it back!they say there never had a return!
Thanks Kel
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have you ever had a bad haircut that showed features of your face that you didn't like? One may believe whatever one wants, but shooting the hair dresser is a rather drastic fix for the problem that was uncovered!I have many friends that use QS with great audible sucess and a Manufacturer and Modder as well.I likey Mikey !! And he hates everything !!Hope this helps Dennis
Grant, I think you really captured the true essence of these products!

I've also heard the same thing ala many of my close friends use of a similar product - having formerly made this stuff for many years, I wouldn't dare use it on any of my gear beyond a loudspeaker binding post.
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Thanks all for your responses, I am leaving everything on at the moment 24hrs aday to see what happens, I have to say I have played the same cd everyday since posting and today I was thinking it sounds like its settling down.not so harsh, it probley did'nt help they gave me a cd enhancer at the same time, I was going to use it after run in time, I tryed it thinking I would fix the first problem, the silver stuff, I used cd enhancer on a friends system the other day with two of the same cd's that we both owned, he was shocked at the differance, it seem its worth looking at!