Need subwoofer recommendation

Don't know much about technical stuff, so I hope I'm saying this correctly. I was about to pull the trigger on the small HSU STF-1 sub for my Sansui integrated amp (20 wpc) when I found out that the HSU only has a low-pass crossover network. I was told by an HSU rep that I would need a high-pass filter to keep deeper bass out of the main speakers. That would entail my spending another $100. Rather the pony-up that amount, I thinking it would be better to simply get a sub that has both a low-pass & a high-pass network. Sooooo, some recommendations would be great. This is a secondary system for me, so I'm not looking to spend much more than $300, preferably less. I'm using book shelf speakers w/ 91 sensitivity rating.

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I'm running the VTF-2 with stereo integrated amp and speakers with 91 db sensitivity, and no extra "high pass filter" box.

If it is the right size for your room, suggest you go with the STF-1. Check out the owner's guide on
and use Method B or C for a connection, typically used with stereo integrated amps.

Something doesn't add up here about the high pass filter suggestion. Check the discussion on the HSU web page for their HPF's. It seems to be designed for special-case systems where base curtailment from main speakers is required. If your bookshelf speakers aren't overstressed now with your current system, why would you need the HPF box? It's likely that you don't.

The STF-1 has its own amplifier, and you'll be setting its (very good) filter to handle everything up to the low frequency dropoff of your bookshelf speakers. Take the time to get placement, crossover freq., phase, etc., correct, and prepare to be amazed at how it enhances your bookshelves.
Hi Sandstone. I suspect that my ignorance and my lame-brain was getting in the way of my understanding what I had been told at (in the Exclusively Sansui section, thread titled: "AU-555 60 watts? etc." Basically, I was perplexed as to why my amp was, sometimes, making rather "stressed" sounds. I had thought it was 60 wpc. After being informed that, in fact, it was a 20 wpc amp, I was told that I could use my high-pass output feature along w/ connector cables to a subwoofer to ease the workload of my humble Sansui. At this point, I'm thinking that the reason I would need a subwoofer w/ a high pass feature is *because* I'd be using the high-pass output of the amp. Doh! Now it's beginning to make sense to me. Guess I'll have to live with what I have, considering the cost of the kind of subwoofer I'd need to help the situation... or, maybe get a more powerful amp. Anyway, thanks for helping me think this thing through!
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