Until my friend measures the room this weekend, I won't know the exact range(s). We both believe that the problem is near the 30-36Hz range. I did not have the same problem with my previous speakers that only went to 38Hz. My current speakers go below that down to 28Hz. I believe what my friend has tried to explain to me is that although a given product/material may be rated at absorbing a specific lower range of frequencies (i.e.: the 20" ASC Tube Trap), in order to effectively treat a given room, one would need specific quantities of that given material/product, and according to my friend, I would need more of that particular material/product than would fit reasonably into my room.
Until my friend measures the room this weekend, I won't know the exact range(s). We both believe that the problem is near the 30-36Hz range. I did not have the same problem with my previous speakers that only went to 38Hz. My current speakers go below that down to 28Hz. I believe what my friend has tried to explain to me is that although a given product/material may be rated at absorbing a specific lower range of frequencies (i.e.: the 20" ASC Tube Trap), in order to effectively treat a given room, one would need specific quantities of that given material/product, and according to my friend, I would need more of that particular material/product than would fit reasonably into my room.