Burr Brown OPA 2143 vs NJM2068

I have a Primare CD 21 that needs repair. The repair guy has stated the the final Burr Brown OP Amp in the series is shot and wants to replace it with a NJM 2068 which is also low noise. Will this change the sound of the player. He also needs to replace a couple of fried resistors. What should this repair work cost? Not being a tech whiz I don't want to get taken for a ride.
Thanks in advance Audiogon experts!
HI Amdb9,

I checked the web, and couldn't find anyone, but a place in australia that was selling the 2143, so it's either out of production, or scarce. I couldn't find it on the TI website either. So your repair guy's apparently found a suitable replacement..as for the sound, it's hard to say how it will effect it. If he's an experienced audio tech, then he should know whether these parts sound good, or whether another currently avaiable burr brown op amp would be a good substitute. What's the tech's hourly charge, most shops will have this posted prominently. It might take 30 minutes to replace the parts, or an hour and a half to replace the parts (depends on how easy the parts are to get to). Then the thing will have to be bench tested, and burned in -- just to make sure the new parts are okay. It's been so long since I've had any equipment repaired, I don't know what's being charged lately -- but don't expect it to be cheap. How much is the "estimate" ??
Good luck.
Amdb9, aren´t you meaning the OPA 2134? I´m not into opamps but I know that one is one of Burr Brown´s usually used ones. Another one that is better for some and not for others is the OPA 627.

Give us your feedback when you are done. I´m thinking of changing opamps in a Hafler poweramp.
I'm not sure about repair cost but he is offering very old op-amp not even half as good as OPA2134. I suspect he might have this amp handy. My advice is to replace it with LM4562 - much better amp than both. Be sure to replace it in both channels - this is dual amp but might have both amps in one channel. LM4562 can be purchased from Digi-Key for about $5. Be sure to order right suffix (DIP, SOT8 ...). OPA627 is a single amp (won't fit).

If you still want to go with NJM2068 ask this guy about supply voltage since OPA2134 starts at 5 volt minimum while NMJ2068 starts at 8V minimum.

NMJ2068 datasheet looks pretty old. They claim better performance than 4558 type amps. Nobody remembers Rayteon 4558 since it was designed/used more than 20 years ago.
Kijanki, can you please tell us about the LM4562? Which are its sonic characteristics? Is it used in any known audio product? Is it better than the OPA 627 as well? Thanks.