TUBE HELP with 5AR4 Rectifier

I just picked up a Tube Phono Preamp which uses a 5ar4 Rectifier tube...
I have (3) to choose from and would like to know which would work the best in the unit..


I know there are some really nice rectifier tubes out there but these are what I have to work with now...and I do wish I had some Phillips Miniwatts to try.
Your input is appreicated
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i hv JJ & Philips Miniwatt (metal base) 5AR4 rectifier tubes. NOS Philips Miniwatts are very expansive, but betters the JJs in every respect. JJs are however pretty decent & excellent in terms of value for money. some Mullards are also reputed to be excellent. i've not heard the others you've mentioned.

btw, rolling the rectifier tubes makes an even bigger diff. than output tubes in my amp (Kondo Ongaku).