Help me decide on cryo option.

Hi everyone,
I'm planning to replace the sixteen EL34s in my cj mono-blocks. Even though there seems to be a consensus that output tubes make relatively little contribution to the sound of an amp, at least when compared to the small tubes, I would still like to get this right. I'm pretty well set on the Sventlana Winged C's but here's the thing: The source I'm intending to use offers a regular quad for $92.80 and a cryoed quad for $164.80. With sixteen tubes, I don't consider the price difference chump change. I realize this all comes down to value judgments that no one can really make for me, but I sure would appreciate any opinions and experiences. Thanks in advance.
You can also try Applied Cryogenics. They are very cost effective, careful & thorough. They make the cryo units so they know what they're doing.
Thank you for responding.

Thorman - This is the first time I've heard about the additional warmth factor. Has this been your experience with audio cryogenics in general; Geoffkait's impression is more typical of what I've heard.

Tvad - As Geoffkait and Dbld pointed out, there are less expensive alternatives. Have you ever found cryoing to be beneficial and cost effective?
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