VH Audio Vcaps

First listening session with Vcaps in Cayin phono stage tonight. Within 15 minutes listening to music rather than analyzing sound.

Its not often I'm blown away by equipment and/or mods, this is an exception! I won't even go into detail on improvements in this post, suffice to say these caps are damn good! And I've heard a lot of caps. For all the modders out there, you've got to try these caps, they have a deservedly high reputation.
I agree. All in all, it's the best overview I've read. It was nice he included lesser known caps like FT-3, KY40 and Penta Labs. It would be great to see some info on Claritycap and Duelund. If you search the web, you'll find very little info about them. I haven't heard most of the caps he reviewed, but IMO, Dynamicaps are an excellent bang for the buck.
I'm about 50 hrs. into 6.1uf Clarity MR in tweeters of my Merlins, which is an advance over stock Hovland Musicap. More detail & air, better layering, wider & deeper soundstage, quieter background, & less strident.
I'm curious how these new Claritycap Mr caps might work as a substitute for a pair of 4.7uf Hovland Musicaps I currently have in the outputs of my linestage tube preamp. Any suggestions? I have considered the Dueland VSF, but those, for now, are a little too much for my budget.
If you have the space inside your LS for MR, they should easily surpass Hovland. I subsequently added a .01uf teflon bypass cap to MR.
At one point in this thread there was some discussion about capacitor breakin. A good way to break in caps would be to plug them into a power strip and let them cook at 120 VAC for a few days. No fancy cable burner required. That's how I do it.