VH Audio Vcaps

First listening session with Vcaps in Cayin phono stage tonight. Within 15 minutes listening to music rather than analyzing sound.

Its not often I'm blown away by equipment and/or mods, this is an exception! I won't even go into detail on improvements in this post, suffice to say these caps are damn good! And I've heard a lot of caps. For all the modders out there, you've got to try these caps, they have a deservedly high reputation.
At one point in this thread there was some discussion about capacitor breakin. A good way to break in caps would be to plug them into a power strip and let them cook at 120 VAC for a few days. No fancy cable burner required. That's how I do it.
Willster, duh, I totally forgot about that. I've previously burned in caps using that method, still only good for higher voltage rated caps. Duelunds don't need burn in, sound totally natural from the get go, I can't imagine a better cap.
Is VH Audio even in buisness?
I have sent several emails the past week with NO repley.
Bar81, Then why dont VH respond to email?
I hate companies that you have to chase to get information.
I will spend my money elsewhere.