Why no Room Tuning Questions?

I recently saw a quote.....here in the forums, methinks to the effect that an OK stereo in a good room is better than good system in an only OK room.

What has everyone done to treat / improve there listening space? Any or much DIY stuff like traps / panels?

I am sorely tempted to get some OC703 and build some panels.
A local store (lucky accidental find) will sell me 2" or 1" in quantity. Another vendor, will sell me pre-made panels for $10ftsq, cover 'em with one of a big choice of fabrics cut to custom shape.
Before I get nutty and start spending big bucks on cables/fuses and the like, I think the room could use some help.
Since you have a source for 703, look at the Ready Acoustics bags. Seriously consider double or triple thick.

Trying to figure out the best type and location of traps is not easy, even with a SPL meter and downloaded test tones or software. It often comes down to trial and error but the corners behind the speakers are usually the best start. In some cases, diffusion works better than absortion. If it's a bass problem, below 300Hz, some healthy skepticism of manufacturer claims might help prevent wasting funds. Below 100Hz, equalization like the Rives PARC can be the only practical choice.

703 absortion/ 125, 250, 500Hz:

2" on wall: 0.17, 0.86, 1.14
with 16" air gap: 0.66, 0.95, 1.06

4" on wall: 0.84, 1.24, 1.24
6" on wall: 1.19, 1.21, 1.13

Don't know error factor for above.

As far as I know, I'm the only one around here to build DIY membrane traps, which used compressed fiberglass along with hardboard in frames.
My room is so oddly shaped that I don't think I have any/few bass problems. I mainly want to treat the 1st reflection points and BETWEEN my Maggies. I think that will help imaging / staging.
My intent is to make 4"x2'x4' and hang them 2" from wall on 'standoffs'. There is a huge wall....12'x6' which is at a 45 and in a direct line with the nearest/left channel speaker.

WAF is going to be the decider. If I had a really deep pocket, I'd build a custom room of phi proportions and use some of the available sound control products.

I have the Radio Shack analogue SPL meter and the Rives disc which compensates for the meters response curve.

As a fellow maggie owner(20's) I've done quite a bit of room tuning.

Biggest improvment was as you suggest killing the side and rear reflections.

Adding traps to the front wall between the speakers killed the stage. Adding diffusion between the speakers opened the stage up.

A nice rug and the biggest leather couch you can get is also a good start.

John C.
I built a beautiful dedicated listening room in my last house. The final touch was home-made sound absorbers. It was an easy process; I made the frames out of 1x 4's and filled with O.C 702, wrapped them in cheap thin cloth. I had 2 2'x4' on each side wall slightly in front of each speaker. 2-2x4 on the ceiling a few feet in front of the speakers and 4- 2'x8' standing diagonal in each corners. I'd be happy to send you a pic if you want. They did make a difference and probably no different than the fancy stuff you pay hundreds for.