repair ? for NAD 3150

Hi all, can anyone offer recs. on how to repair or replace broken speaker connections/clips on the back of this amp. Two are broken.
You should be able to open up the unit and visually inspect how the terminals are located/attached. If it looks like you can get at them easily enough, you might want to consider replacing them with newer, more rugged, 5-way binding posts. Check the PartsExpress and other catalogs for the parts needed. Or, cozy up to a local hi-fi tech and get him to do it for you.

The 3150 was a very nice piece in its day. I had one of those mated to an NAD 2150 in Bridge mode and that combo ROCKED! I powered a pair of Ohm Walsh 2s with them and the sound was remarkable, especially considering the price of the gear.

Good luck in fixing the unit!

Thanx RW for the tip, especially where to look for newer/better posts. Also, could you share a little more about bridging and if i'd benefit. I have a Marantz 2230 that really sounds pretty nice with a pair of Klipsch Heresys. I know that Heresey's don't require much power to operate, but do you think, if it's possible, that I would recognize a better sound by bridging the NAD and the Marantz?
I believe that the Marantz is not capable of running in bridged mode, so it is a moot point. However, I can tell you for sure that the NAD running in bridged mode was a VERY dynamic and good-sounding amp. When mated to an NAD 2150 power amp in bridged mode I had a VERY good-sounding and ballsy setup for not much money.
