System tuning tips from Hi Fi Plus

The folks from Hi Fi Plus put on a system-tuning seminar at RMAF. Their recommendations included: (1) use cables from only one family in your system, (2) get a non-resonant, non-ferrous component rack, and (3) clean your cd's....They had equipment problems during the session of the seminar I attended, so I didn't get to judge the actual improvements gained by these tweaks, but I'm interested in just how important/helpful you all have found these suggestions to be...
demagnatize a CD? Why? it's aluminum, for Pete's sake.
Aluminum is paramagnetic. And, while an induced current will also (by definition of electromagnetism) make a magnetic field, how does this effect anything?
The demagnetization of a CD is for the label, not the CD itself. Sometimes the ink used for the printing contains ferrous particles.