That's an approach I can and have lived with.
The main issue as I see it is this
finding the sound you like. I had no idea eight years ago when I returned to this hobby I was indeed more taken by the sound of tubes until I heard some very good ones. Add to that I also find SS a nicety and even a real plus from time to time, so I am on occasion confounded.
Throw in the limitations on choices in and about my area in regard to both electronics and loudspeakers, and still more difficult it becomes to determine which is best for me.
Consequently I chose to go along the path of front ends having the priority over speakers. That does seem to work well too. Naturally, having speakers on the same level would indeed be a plus. Having the right for me speakers yet a better one.
Having gone through about sixteen pairs of speakers in this same span, and far less turn over in electronics by and large, I do get your intent I think.
For me it has come to this
theres tons of speakers out there. Way too many for me to investigate or audition in person. I neither have the time, inclination, or funds to pursue the exact units Id want which will work the best for me, with my gear. Then of course it follows, I dont know which ones are truly the best for me anyhow.
So I settle. I compromise. I accept what it is that I can live with that has the least flaws pretty much, and that I can afford, and give it my best shot.
Having had some Stereophile A rated speakers, and some Bs, my current mains satisfy. They are in my category of best so far. They likely arent my last pair though
. The next ones should be however, as Im homing in. At least I hope so.
Its a process for me, and for many others I believe due to the restraints I pointed out earlier on. Local availability, previews, and funding. Yes I do emphatically agree the best should mean best for you as there really is no truly best loudspeaker.
The one bit I keep coming back to is the part about if speakers are chosen first
how will that make selection of the amp, preamp, source and cabling easier or better? Unless you buy the whole system in which you previewed the ones that really floated your boat in the first place, I dont understand.
In other words, How do you tell in advance how a speaker will react with components that havent been tried with it/them?... aside from perhaps the power requirements they may tend to enjoy?