Yes, a good wired cable or "wired" fiberoptic line is by far the best available high speed internet service. The only downside may be price. Wireless service uses the cellphone networks, and is vastly slower, and is likely to be even more expensive. It is used primarily by business travelers wanting convenient access for their laptop computers. DSL is also much slower than a good cable or fiberoptic connection, and its speed is dependent on your distance from the local phone company station, but it may be significantly less expensive than cable.
In my area (Connecticut, not far from NYC), Cablevision's Optonline "Optimum Boost" service which I use provides 30mbps download speeds for about $55/month. Verizon FIOS fiberoptic service I believe is even slightly faster, for a comparable price. DSL is around 1 or 2 mbps typically, but costs less. Wireless is less than 1 mbps, for around $60/month.
-- Al