Homemade sound panels

In the mitts of making my own homemade sound panels.Was wondering if anyone tried this before?I have been doing alot of research on the subject but like to here from some excperience builders.Any tips on material used.Or any thing you whould of done different in your own designs..Any help would be great..
Here are two links to DIY help:
I read somewhere that using pegboard acts like a resonator .With the hole's like bottle openings..The reason im using it is to keep the aurelex and the OC 705 seperate.The frames will be mounted about 3 inches of the back of the wall to let sound in from the back also..
Pegboard will only act as a resonator if it is free to resonate and not touching anything, except at the edges. The holes mean that it cannot be sealed and damped, which is not critical but helpful. The idea being that movement is disssipated into heat.

Cotton is preferred to synthetic.
Ngjockey, The pegboard could be damped by either its natural internal friction or by a sheet of something laminated or layered with it. If the holes are 1/4", it will pass frequencies above about 50,000hz, clearly in 'Bat' territory.
Either way, it will still reflect and the OC705 behind it will be wasted.
Why just cotton? It will absorb moisture and be more sunfade prone. A good poly synthetic will have acceptable acoustic properties while having a better, longer lasting finish.

I think Spaz needs to answer a few questions, starting with what he wants to make.....Reflector/diffusors? Absorbers or some kind of single frequency resonator? Is his room Too live? Boomy? Shrill/glassy?

When I start down this path, I've already found a source for 2" OC703 and a selection of fabric covering and a Very open white scrim to prevent fiberglass bleed thru. I would like to find an upholsterer to do the finish work and make a complimentary drape set. WAF, you know! I won't even buy a nail until I know what I want to make, how many and how to keep it neat.