Into 2009; What rules?? Tubes or Solid State

I know that this question has had endless debate over the years and that there is also alot of 'Hybrid Equipment' which makes it hard to neatly categorize. Also, at what price points are we talking about?

But those things aside, if you had to make the choice starting from scratch in 2009, which way would you go?? Tubes or Solid State??
Uhrn.. . I suspect I have a hard time bowing to anyone just because of their birthright, and glass vials may be no exception. Perhaps that is part of my problematic unserious attitude to music. G.
I find it hard to believe one rules over the other when most of my favorite experiences where hybrid systems of both tubes and solid state, and as other noted its all system and personal preference dependent so this cant be answered.....only argued.
I love tubes! Great sound and not nearly the hassle folks say they are. Try it and you'll be hooked! Happy listening!