External Crossover?

So I was thinking about these Focal speakers... Started wondering, would it be possible to remove built-in crossover inside speaker, and replaced w/ external battery-powered crossover on my speakers...

...crossover rolling, is there such a thing?

Of course use high grade components for crossover, and replace internal wire also...
Active xovers mean seperate amps for each driver. There are a couple digital xovers/equalizers that are very adjustable but it's a steep learning curve. How much do you know about the manufacturer specs?
Keep in mind that speaker designers design a speaker as an integrated package: drivers, crossover, cabinet, etc. If you change the crossover in a way that the designer did not envision, you may end up with an entirely different sounding speaker, and not necessarily a better one.
I have asian market Usher Be-718, doesnt i know the US version has upgraded crossover parts, and i think JPS internal wiring.

I was thinking about upgrading mine. Wanted to see how I could go about it.
to be exact, these are what's different:

JPS Labs Alumiloy internal wiring
Retuned crossovers featuring all new/upgraded parts as follows:
Erse high-purity oxygen free copper air-core inductors
Mills resistors
Erse poly caps
Gen.2 Sonicap
Removing the crossover may well be a very good thing on its own. You can then isolate it from the vibations of the speaker cabinet. It worked well for me.