small audio/video system for elderly space

downsizing into around 600 sq,ft. want audio/video/eye candy if possible,which is i know to the individual, but all suggestions are welcome. speakers,amp,video,audio, maybe wall, or shelve mounted.etc...thankdss
I set up a system in my bedroom that included Celestion SL-700s placed close to the front wall and a wall mounted TV. The SL-700s do everything except deep bass, are small and mounted on intergral stands, and look good to boot. A decent DVD player will sound good playing standard CDs. You only have to get an integrated amp, and you are done. Since you like NAD gear, an NAD DVD player and integrated amp would look good together and match the SL-700s esthetics.

I was steering you towards one box solutions. If you are interested in two box systems based on an Oppo disk player, that is a whole other deal.

If you are interested in a receiver/Oppo DV-983H system with AM/FM and subwoofer out - look at these:

Cambridge Audio Azur 540R

Music Hall Audio Maven


Outlaw Audio 2150

Any of these receivers paired with Oppo's best player would make a righteous combo. With the power provided by the Music Hall and the Outlaw, you could easily drive some greedier speakers. In addition to the B&W CM-1 and the Era Design 4 listed above, I might suggest the Dynaudio Focus 110 as well.

One last suggestion:

a Peachtree Audio Decco or Nova + Oppo 981H set up with digital sound out to the Decco and using the Oppo's very good onboard video processor to your monitor. No AM/FM, but onboard DAC, 50-80W amp, tube preamp, and nice sound for between $800 and $1200 depending on finish and power output. Would drive iPod, computer and all other digital sources. Slick, Slick, Slick.

Happy shopping.
yes , lots of food for thought.....i do like the one box system thoughts, spend money on the power cord and put money saved on the interconnects into the speaker wires,etc. i want the naim, but at this point , although i have owned very expensive equipment over the last forty years, i am having to be frugal. so the little nad with effecient speakers, i like the imputs of the nad 717 and the cost effective aperion. i have a squeezebox and buddy gave me when he upgraded to the duet system and i like what it does for relaxing, but to have something with a little more dynamics and clarity with my cd collection is going to be nice. this is going to be a tough decision,but with all the good selections i can't fail...thanks to all ,dwhitt
now i am leaning more toward the arro totem and maven,the maven due to the power the arro's may need...any suggestions there, what a beautiful and simple system gsm 18439 , i have a simple tube int. with tube player and totem speakers and love it...tubes are hard to beat...dwhitt