Rolled some 12ax7's recently...

Hi All,
I went through my supply of 12ax7's recently and found some goodies.
I recently compared Bugle Boys to Telefunkens in the phono stage of my pre-amp. Interesting (to me, at least). I found the Telefunkens to be nice sounding; very clean and clear, very nice detail, over all a very nice sounding tube. The Bugle Boys, however, were magical! WOW! Timbre was so much more apparent. The soundstage depth and width increased; especially the depth. The music seemed to come alive and glow. It was much more captivating.
I found such a dramatic difference between two high quality tubes very interesting.
I have yet to try 10m's, and 70's Mullards that I found. I will report when I do...
By the way, NOS Sylvania's sound nice in the line-level stage. All tubes reported are vintage NOS. I match them with my tube tester. And, I do not change the volume setting between tube brands tested.
Any comments are more than welcomed! I appreciate any information on your experiences with 12ax7's. The price of some of these NOS is incredible; I am glad to have these nice examples in my collection!
Ruggedized means stronger not better. All tubes should be checked for microphonics on an individual basis.
That would be like saying Queen Latifah is a better singer than Beyonce because she outways her by 100lbs.
Rugged makes a Marine not an opera singer.
Magnum, I do think stronger is better for the reasons I already detailed. I believe what you're saying is that stronger doesn't necessarily mean better SOUNDING, and except for the 3-mica 5751's near total lack of microphonics, I wouldn't argue with you.

I also mentioned (and this is admittedly my own experience) the fact that for reasons beyond my understanding, the 5751's (generally) have a smoother presentation than the 12AX7's I've heard (which in my case includes most of them.) "Smoother" being my own term for a less grainy or maybe more liquid(?) sound. YMMV
I just spun two new records (both 180g vinyl) -- Rickie Lee Jones, Rickie Lee Jones and Pop Pop. Interesting result when I swapped out Bugle Boy and JJ 12ax7's.

Background: I recently won a Denessen Soundtracktor on ebay and decided to align my cartridge with it. I had used the Alphason protractor that came with my HRS-100, originally. I was using some new JJ 12ax7's that I got for cheap and noticed they didn't sound half-bad after breaking in. When I aligned my cartridge with the Denessen, I noticed that voices opened up, there was more air, and the soundstage generally cleaned up, but the bass was so thin that I really thought I had better start researching good sub-woofers.

Tonight when I received these two records and spun them I thought I would put the Bugle Boys back in the pre-amp. Of course I listened with the JJ's in at first.

Well, with the Bugle Boys I immediately realized that I don't need a sub-woofer in my current set-up and room. It was such an amazing contrast! Truly immediate and night-and-day. I know that JJ's are basicaly run of the mill 12ax7's, but I never would have guessed nor imagined that the difference would have been so dramatic. I am truly glad that I have 3 matched pair of the Bugle Boys! It will be a long time before I need to use the JJ's.

Besides the incredible difference in bass, I also noticed timbral, soundstage depth and width, mid-range, and high frequency improvements that were significant. On the high end, I noticed a raspiness or edge with the JJ's that disappeared with the Bugle Boys. I thought that the records, being re-mastered were perhaps badly pressed. The edge and rasp disappeared with the Bugle Boys.

My conclusion is that when I look for replacement tubes, it is worthwhile to seriously consider NOS tubes rather than current production ones. I have not listened to re-issues, that is why I say, "consider."

I am really interested to hear from anyone who has experience with re-issues compared to NOS tubes. That might be an interesting tube-roll. Certainly my conclusion so far is that NOS 12ax7's are much, much better than current production JJ 12ax7's. It's a pity to think that good current production 12ax7's are so lame -- what to do when it is time to buy new tubes? Another question I have is, is there such a dramatic difference between current El34's, or other power output tubes, and NOS El34's?
Here's the only new production 12AX7 worth thinking about, if you are able to appreciate the differences/improvements in sonics that the right NOS tubes provide(and it's obvious you do): ( With regards to EL34s: It's been quite a while since I've used that particular output tube, and had Svetlanas last(the original company was still in business). I've found the Winged 'C' 6550 to be an excellent replacement(sonics and reliability) for the NOS outputs that I used to be able to afford in my present amps. Matched octets of anything worth considering in NOS outputs are virtually impossible to find now. If Siemens made a 6550, I'd have to try them. Consider these, or the Winged 'C'(St Petersburg plant), for your EL34 needs: ( (
I've found the inexpensive new production / re-issue tubes to be very dissapointing (Mullard & Sovtek). As far as NOS 12AX7's go, Mullard CV4004's are more lively, but less neutral than the mega expensive Mullard 10M gold pins, however, I still give the edge to the less expensive CV4004's.

Telefunken ECC803S are fine tubes IME. Neutral and somewhat lean sounding in comparison to the Mullard CV4004's... I like the Tele ECC803S as much as the CV4004's, it's just a different sound.

I'd be inerested to know who fellow audiogoners go to to get good, authentic tubes at a reasonable price.

I've used the following:
- Vintage Tube Services (very knowledgeable, good selection... but slow service)
- Tube World (knowledgeable & good service)
- Various offerings from fellow Audiogoners & Ebay (inexpensive, but I question the tube authenticity & quality)

I once foolishly paid $800 for a pair of Mullard 10M gold pins, expecting them to be he cats meow, but found them to be somewhat dull sounding... hence leading me to question their authenticity.

Should I resign myself to accepting that buying NOS tubes is akin to buying older used cars... or are there dependable dealers with reasonable prices that I'm not aware of?