RE what Larry just said about the premium TFK, I have a general 12AX7/5751 question/poll(?) for those familiar with both (hopefully, but not necessarily, in the same piece of equipment ;-)
In his famous "Tube Lore" article on AA, Joe asserts that he could never really find a 12AX7 he liked. He lists some preferences, but compared to his favorite 5751's, he finds all 12AX7's "grainy" (I think his word was.)
I maaaybe understand what he means. However I've rolled many different 12AX/AT7's and 5751/6201 in my McIntosh MC275, and like Larry, I've learned that to have blanket prejudices/preferences may not lead to the best choice - my love for the GEC A2900 being a perfect example (I never would have tried it if I'd decided to only go with 6201's.)
So does anyone agree with Joe's take on the issue: that 5751's are better across the board than 12AX7's? Just curious ;-)
In his famous "Tube Lore" article on AA, Joe asserts that he could never really find a 12AX7 he liked. He lists some preferences, but compared to his favorite 5751's, he finds all 12AX7's "grainy" (I think his word was.)
I maaaybe understand what he means. However I've rolled many different 12AX/AT7's and 5751/6201 in my McIntosh MC275, and like Larry, I've learned that to have blanket prejudices/preferences may not lead to the best choice - my love for the GEC A2900 being a perfect example (I never would have tried it if I'd decided to only go with 6201's.)
So does anyone agree with Joe's take on the issue: that 5751's are better across the board than 12AX7's? Just curious ;-)