Harmonic Resolution Systems - under SS pre-amp

I have a couple of these isolation platforms - I have one under my transport and one under my SS amp. Yes, there was a sonic improvement when placed under the transport and to a smaller degree under the SS amp. My question is, and because they are not cheap ; ...would there be a sonic improvement if I keep continuing to add them to the rest of my system ? The next one would be going under a SS pre-amp ???

Yes to your question.

Do you have the right weight on the HRS M3 and are you using the Spacers and Couplers?

If $$$ is not a factor buy as many as you can when they come up for sale on the 'Gon.

Do you have the HRS rack?
I would have put the M3 plate under the preamp prior to placing one under the power amp. The best a power amp or any component in a chain can do is feed the info given it by the prior component. Vibration is being introduced at the preamp, the power amp will communicate this. Try moving the M3 to the Preamp. I am willing to bet there will be significant sonic benifits. I certainly found this to be the case.
Interestingly, I tried the S1 under my components as an experiment and found it not to be as effective as the M3. I have used the nimbus and couplers and they are great as well but I found them to be no more effective than nordost pulsar point under the power amp. My guess is that the power amp will be the least sensitive, provided that it's solid state and not tube driven.
My 2cents experience : Have placed a HRS S1 under the TT and I believe the result is dramatic as it should be given the stylus/groove interface is the most susceptible to unwanted resonances. However, the most dramatic effect was to place 3 Nimbus couplers under the tube preamp. The result in terms of a tighter picture, less perceived noise noise and better all round definition was so impressive that I intend to add the Nimbus couplers to the dac and transport with maybe the small HRS iso plates on top off these components.
I suspect with SS components the effect may be miniscule, if at all.