active X-over

Hi guys,would anybody know of the effects of connecting a
Active X-over with speakers that have passive X-overs in them already.
My DD-15 subs X-over will be disabled.I will be going from my prepro out to Ext X-over inputs,X-over sub low pass outs to sub input,X-over highpass outs to 7B-sst mono blocks.
my mains are revel(50as) and I assume should be set to large as to send all low end to mains,Thanks for any thoughts.
??? Is your crossover for the sub/main separation? If so, then the Revel crossovers must remain intact and will not interact with it.

Setting your main speakers to large is, of course, necessary.

Of course, all this suggests that you are NOT using the bass management in your prepro, so I have to ask why not? What do you hope to gain by using the external crossover?

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Hi guys,the 10b-sub X-over is for the sub-main separation.
And no,I'm not using bass management as I'm telling my pre that I don't have a sub(but I do)so with my speakers set to large ,all my lowend is going to my mains and the 10B controling what I give the sub.I'd never take out the passive X-overs in the Revels.I'd go with active speakers before I'd do that.I'll definately check that route out later as more cash comes in.
As to why I'm trying out a external X-over,to see if I get more improvement.I'm sure the Bryston X-over is superior to the Velodyne,Don't get me wrong I like what the Velodyne is doing but if I can get more QUALITY(hopefully)great,if not then I'll know and I'll sell the 10B.
Bob,do you think if the 10B is dialed in proper that I should get improvement,thanks for the replies back guys,
This his been nagging me for quite awhile.