Power Plant Premier making sound worse?

I have 2 new dedicated lines installed using Telsaplex outlets. I have 3 Kubala-sosna Emotion PCs feeding an Ayre V5Xe, Ayre K5xe and Ayre C7xe. They were all plugged into the PPP, a Lossless PC feeds the PPP from one of the dedicated lines. I noticed a buzzing sound that went away from the PPP so out of concern I shut off the PPP and fed all the Ayre stuff to the outlets directly (amp to one outlet, preamp and CD player to other) via all KS PCs. It sounds much better, more texture and detail. I am very surprised so I am not sure if there is an issue with the PPP or should I just get rid of it? Please comment
I took the ppp out of my 2 piece system of a Lessloss dac and rega transport. I use a 650hd headphone with a balanced equinox cable directly from the dac that has distorsionless volume control no need for preamp. I have a Lldfpc to the dac and PS P SC to the Rega witch plugin to the PS Soloict wall outlet. When I took out the PPP I noticed a sound inprovment in the air or space and more punch in the music at high volume. I built my system around the PPP so I have never been with out it. so I reconized the change imideetly. I think it all about the quality of your gear and combonations.
I love PPP, it brings my system to the next level. Without it all kinds of noises exist in the system. With it, i hear more music, which means the background is more blakened.
"BTW i prefer pure copper, silver and gold plated outlets. I have not enjoyed any experiments with rhodium-plated outlets, but that is one person's taste."

I wanted to bring this thread back from the dead. I am experimenting with Cryoed Hubbell 5362's, and don't think I like them. I feel the standard 5362 offers a more relaxed, presentation. The Cryoed outlet does seem to do things better, like perhaps increase detail. I am particularyly interested in the above comment regarding pure copper,silver and gold....
Fjn04, Your post is confusing. First you said you didn't like the cryoed Hubbell, then you said it does things better. Please explain.