Dedicated Lines, Now what?

Hi folks. Just had dedicated ac lines put in for listening. Had 2 circuits installed. I use a digital front end, Nuforce V2SE's and a JRDG Capri preamp.
What can I combine together on the same circuit? I would assume that I want the digital by itself, but can I have the amps and the pre on the same circuit?
Also, I notice that there is a slight "hiss" coming from the tweeters. You can only hear it if there is no music playing and you get your ear right up to the tweeter. It dosent seem to get louder if I turn the pre volume up. Anyone know what that hiss is and if there is anything that can be / should be done about it?
Try to keep your Digital and Analog seperate.
Preamp with Amp is ideal.

Did the hiss just start since you put in the dedicated lines?
If so, it may mean you are now getting better high Frequency information. A slight hiss with your ears up close to the tweeter is pretty normal.
It is all outputs. And my center channel as well (and it dosent go thru my 2ch pre at all)