Well don't take it personally Nasaman! In actuality, I really did not give the copper coupler much of an evaluation. I simply slid it on and off during audio/video playback a few times and I really couldn't discern any differences. I'm going to leave it in place though. You know, I spent hours - days actually, tweaking my stand, and I employ a number of other tweaks (e.g.: weights/damping on the chassis of all the equipment, dedicated AC line/outlet, after market power cords, etc.), all of which I really can't discern much difference. I suppose it all adds up though (that's what I'm sticking with). As I mentioned above, I can actually hear a difference after I elevated my listening position by 1.5 inches; that, and I most certainly can hear a difference in late p.m. listening sessions compared to other times of peak power consumption. Those last two "tweaks" being free! Another freebie is speaker placement tweaking. For me, very slight changes in positioning have yielded big returns - in fact, Im sure that I have not found the optimal position yet, but its a pain in the %@#!, so I keep putting it off