Surge protection, no filtering, no regen please...

I've been trying a few power conditioner during the last few months, Quintet, Furutech products, APC etc... I found that they all changed the sound... but all of them got worse (limited dynamics or at least something not to my taste).

I know I can't afford a regen like PPP but I want protection.

What's your experience on something that provide surge protection but absolutely does not change the sound a bit?

Thx. Tom.
All that I can say is that my house has been struck twice by lightening. One time my system was not on but my computer was and had a surge protector. The computer was fried. The second time in another house, my system was on and lightening struck my water heater which was only six feet away. The system was all plugged into the Sound Application ac filter. Neither it nor the stereo system was damaged at all, although the water heater had a hole blown into the gas line, the garage door opener was fried, as was the house intercom system and answering machine, and all ground fault sensors were tripped.

Presently, I use only unplugging everything in electrical storms.

Whole home protection is the way to go. If you don't own the home then that isn't practical so something portable... I've had no issues with Transparent Audio Powerlink Ultra which I have all my office stereo system plugged into including my amp. Also check out the Audience product line.
You cannot really protect from strong direct hit since it creates plasma 1 foot wide and you need very thick wire and grounding rod to return it to earth, but any protection is better than none (protects from line spikes and indirect hits). I would unplug (if I'm at home) and if you have roof antenna - ground it. Metal structure on asphalt shingle roof gets charged by wind (static electricity) to thousands of volts and your house looks (electrically) like skyscraper.
You can purchase a whole house surge protector from Home Depot for about $75.00. It gets connected directly to your breaker box. Has green and red lights. Green good Red replace. Most serge protectors are good for 1 hit only and must be replaced. Contrary to popular belief that they reset themselves, most do not. If you talk to an electrician he should be able to get you one with a module that can be replaced.
I would be skeptical of any product that claims to prevent a direct lightning strike. Lightning ranges from several hundred million to a billion volts and up to several hundred thousand amps. Good luck stopping that kind of power. The "surges" most consumer products are designed to prevent are the minor fluctations in power from your power company. I use a Furman Elite 15 for "surge" protection and when lighting is in the forecast, I unplug.