Would diffusion help in this space

I have been playing around with speaker positioning for a while and making marginal gains ...baby steps best way to describe it

I've since moved my speakers a bit further back and while this has helped the bottom end I find I've lost a bit of depth would using diffusion on the side walls help

My system page can be found here http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?vopin&1171988889
musicfile, I have a smaller room that I use Michael Green Roomtunes in. I DON'T have the type of investment that you have but.... diffusion has helped me ALOT thru the use of 48" standers. Now I use Apogee Slant 6 speakers and have them set up much like you myself, here are acouple of tricks tthat have helped me as I've continued to adjust thru the years. With free standers I am able to adjust more freely but I use the diffusion side of the panels (3) on the front wall behind the speakers and (1) on the rear wall. Small (and I do mean small!) adjustments to angles you hear a big difference with (as small as 1/16"). My panels are off set in distances as well with 2 forming a corner and 1 in the corner of the front wall but not equal from the placement behind the L & R speakers. My 3rd panel is only 18" away from the rear wall yet 5' away from the corner and 2.5' from perpindicular with my listening chair. I also use 4 Corner Tunes to kill the slap echo. I use a rediculously cheap tuning control adapted from Marigo's Tuning Dots that work eerily well! When I had gone to the sight (Marigo) it told you how & where to place dots for tuning of the speakers. Using U.S. Quarters (for me) on the base of the speakers I adjust the distance from the OUTSIDE EDGE to adjust the focus and width of the presentation and again TINY ADJUSTMENTS make huge differences. Marigo suggested a starting point of 1/2" from the outside corners inward and then adjusting from there. For my $1.50 investment I have blind tested many people in query of the differences and in all cases THEY COULD HEAR THEM, either the staging collasped or was too diffused and lacked the definition clarity, but get it right and it saves hours worth of time and it's super easy adjusting as well. I hope this also helps with your search and as well pay attention to vibration control with your rig even if on a concrete floor or base becuse it will pay dividends like you haven't heard as well. Good Luck :)
I would put 2 fake ficus trees side by side right in front of the TV. Move them to the side when you want to watch.
Thanks all for your replies

Dan Ed I appreciate your suggestions Brian at GIK has been very helpful and asked for his recommendation on many occasions trying to get opinions of others at the same time

Newbie I will try a few of your suggestions

Onemug very interesting what does the ficus tree in this postion accomplish can you expand on this
Diffusion could help your sound if placed on the wall behind your chair. Although I doubt it, it might even help on the side walls as well.

Diffusion on side walls will help in soundstaging and depth. However, it will depend on how close your speakers are to the side walls. For small rooms with the speakers close to side walls, the effect will be larger. In your case whereby the side walls are further away from the speakers, the effect may not be too substantial though. Anyway you can't place anything on your left wall since there is a door there.

The standard reply from Ethan is to place absorption at first and 2nd reflection points and diffusion everywhere else. I remember reading this somewhere in the forums or his website.