HiFi tuning fuses, some benefits help

OK I admit that I'm not sure of the technical benefits of HIFi tuning fuses but... some extra help would be great to help me understand. First off how does it change the before and after sound of the peice you use it in? Like does it make it warmer, cooler, more nuteral? If "gon members can help to distill this for me it would be a help. Thanks in advance.
>>Then again; most that knock these fuses, haven't tried them in the first place.<<

Conversely many who have purchased them and not heard a difference, refuse to admit they've pissed away $30 on a per unit basis.

The door swings in both directions.
I didn't waste my $60 for a pair of gold fuses. Hmmph...how dare people insinuate Audiogoners don't have good judgement or taste. How dare anyone imply HiFI Fuse buyers are bored impulsive readers of blogs who hide their purchases from their spouses. I've never fabricated, not once or twice, a perceived improvement after spending good money on equipment or tweaks...it's absolutely counterintuiative. Besides, once I turned the fuse around I noticed an even more noticiable improvement. Finally, I sleep comforted by the thought I have gold fuses...isn't that worth the money?! LOL. Somebody get me away from this hobby, my sense of reality is dwindling.
I haven't tried them, and I don't intend to. Therefore I won't express an opinion about their performance. But I would suggest that you consider the following:

1)It would stand to reason that in some fraction of the cases where improvements were noted, the real reason might simply have been that several year old fuses, whose surfaces were dirty and oxidized, were replaced by new fuses with clean (and oxidation-resistant) surfaces. It might be worth first evaluating your existing fuses after treating them with a contact cleaner.

2)It would seem pretty clear that the differences, if any, would be dependent on the design of the power supply in the particular amplifier or other component. The more ideal the power supply, and the better its ability to store and deliver energy to cope with transient peaks, the less the difference the fuse figures to make.

3)Similarly, the narrower the dynamic range of the music you tend to listen to, the less difference the fuse figures to make, imo.

-- Al
Compared to the cost of so many other "audiophile" tweaks, $30 is pretty inexpensive and worth an experiment if nothing more. I tried the HiFi Tuning Fuse in my relatively low cost/entry level system. It made a difference in the JoLida 502B I was running. When, at some point, a tube went and took the HiFi Fuse, I didn't have a spare so had to replace it with an inexpensive RadioShack fuse until the new HiFi fuse arrived. For me the proof of what the HiFi fuse did was in the loss I heard when it was gone. Something was definitely missing. Presence? Liveliness? I have a hard time articulating the differences in sound quality but to me Rodman's description fills the bill. For the skeptics, I'm not at all concerned about convincing you - believe what you will. In turn, spare me your sarcasm (especially if you haven't tried one of these). I heard a benefit well worth $30. That's all that matters.
I have a pair in my system. I can't tell you specifically how my sound was that much more different for having them in place. Excuse my attempt at "irony" in my last post. It really was a "whim" purchase with no great expectation. I'm glad the fuses sounded good in your system. Take care and enjoy the music.