Acoustic resonators in place of room treatment

Attended Frank of Acoustic resonators demo during Kuala lumpur AV show , Malaysia yesterday. Demostrated his magic show and I can really hear the difference . During Q & A session someone asked him whether it is necessary to do room treatment if we use the acoustic resonators. Was told it's sufficient to use only the resonators up to max 11 pieces only. I got my room treated using Rives level1 ( only level possible in Malaysia) & faced with construction issues & it's only theoretical design only. If it's truly work , it's certainly preferably over traditional room
treatment. Cost wise it's comparable . Anybody has tried the resonator method of room treatment & what is your impression?
Shadorne, Is this what you meant by "egg cups?" Initially, I thought this but decided you meant the cups you put soft boiled eggs in. Only they would have a very high resonant frequency such as the SR Arts and Acoustic Resonators. Of course, everything would depend on what that resonant frequency would be as well as what resonant frequency would contribute the most. Everything would be trial and error.
Of course, everything would depend on what that resonant frequency would be as well as what resonant frequency would contribute the most. Everything would be trial and error.

Correct - I was thinking of a metal egg cup for enjoying your boiled egg.

I agree about trial and error - which is the exactly the same issue for DIY acoustic treatments build some panels and then try them out and find a good position for them.

It occured to me that metal or ceramic egg cups, bowls, bells, thimbles, wine glasses, abalone shells, chimes and other similar items must necessarily behave like Acoustic Resonators so why haven't people tried them? (Note: There is extensive experimentation with DIY acoustic panel stuff from heavy curtains to shaggy rugs - so why not the same DIY solution with "acoustic resonators" ?

Please don't tell me there is a quantum dot or something super special ONLY about Frank's version - surely there are other resonating things out there that might work too?

Anyone try five crystal wine glasses strategically placed on tables around the room?
The crystal glasses would probably have to be on the walls. Height is very important. Why? I haven't a clue.
well guys, I decided to buy a used set from audiogon. It should be an interesting experiment.
Tbg, from your review u indicated that you took a while to optimised it. any issue with the set up? is there any problem if I were to place the Base Unit, just behind a stand for a center speaker for my HT ? thanks
Audioblazer, follow SR's basic setup first. Next play with the distance from the speaker wall of the base unit. It really is a bass unit. Pay attention to how tight your bass is. Mine is about 1 inch from the wall not counting the quarter round. It MUST be directly below the Vibratron. It must be above your tweeters and slight changes can have an effect, but since it is nailed up, this is somewhat troublesome.

The Satellites MUST be put up with Bluetac. Nothing else allows you to make the necessary changes and to have them up securely. The Gravitron must be centered and it is critical how high it is. Very critical! Play with this a lot; you will be shocked at its impact. The Magnetrons are curious. Start at the first reflection point at the height SR suggests. Move away from the speakers toward you until you find the right point. It is somewhat ambiguous. I have even found that I take them down for small groups. But doing so restricts the sweet spot but sounds more coherent.

I had many other resonant devices which are now out of the room. No more Brilliant Pebbles, although they used to give a modest improvement. No more Holographs, although SR actually recommends them for use with the ARTs. I find they really confuse my tuning the ARTs. I do use some Mpingo discs. I have two three Mpingo racks on the floor outside the speakers, which I can even hear when they are turned away from being aligned parallel to the side walls. Only they add something, however.