I'm a big fan of the PS Audio P300, their first regenerator, and have two of them PLUS a Tice Power Block III. Yeah, I have a lot of sources, etc. The P300s are power hogs but after listening extensively on a before/after basis, I wouldn't be without them. And the Tice does wonders for my SET monoblocks, designed and built by a friend, who was pretty much anti-conditioner until he heard them (1) into the wall, even via my dedicated lines and (2) into the Tice.
BTW, don't overlook the effects of power cords. I think they make more difference than ICs and speaker cables, and I used to think this was nonsense. Dave
BTW, don't overlook the effects of power cords. I think they make more difference than ICs and speaker cables, and I used to think this was nonsense. Dave