
The latest issue of Absolute Sound has a list of 15 or so tweaks that they say are worth doing. I would like to get some feedback from others about 3 of them.

1. Grounding Caps for unused preamp inputs.
2. Equipment anti-vibration devices such as Vibropods.
3. Aligning interconnects and power cords so that they cross at right angles to each other. (This sounds like a very difficult thing to arrange).
Wow, some pretty rude posts here. It's early, but obviously the liquor store is open early in some spots.

I apologize for the idiotic and rude posts from some of the other Audiogon community members, to your pertinent, relevent, and intelligent question.

I think the Vibrapods make a small difference, but it's dependant on what type of rack you are starting with.

Crossing the wires makes sense, but I have always done that so couldn't tell you if it makes a difference or not.

The caps do seem to work. They seem to stop or lessen feedback problems too.


Other than Chuck's (Krell_man) post, which of the other posts were rude and/or idiotic? (And even Chuck's post was only slightly rude, as it was more condescending than actually rude.)

FYI: Personally, I took more offense at your post, than I did of Chuck's to be perfectly honest.
Good isolation tweeks are definately worthwhile. Cones, pods, pucks - they all have a noticeable effect, especially on source components. Try some and see what works for you.
Any anti vibration tweaks are good.The power cords at right
angles is a good idea also.If it can't be done,the next best thing to do is keep a good distance between them.Run power cords down one side of your rack/shelf,interconnects down the
other side.That helps keep the AC power,that may have radio frequency interference out of it too.The manufacturers have a lot of filters blocking that in the power supplies.Doing your part
to help usually pays of.The manufacturers are big time tweakers' with their budgets,plus they don't know your listening environment like you do.