Hooking up two Topaz Isolation trans. in series?

If I hook two topaz 1kva iso ultra transformers in series will I double the current capacity? I already have one 1kva topaz and am looking at another. Two of these at 16 amps would be enough for everything in my audio rack.
If I am correct then would I need to rewire the plugs in one transformer or just plug one into the other? Would it be series or parallel stock? Any help? I have a ground hum issue in my house. Its killing my music listening experience.
I have taken my tube amp and pre amp to a shop and conferred that there is no hum at that location.
Any help is appreciated. Rod

I don't know about the question concerning running two in series. That will have to be answered by someone who knows more about it. But I'm using the Topaz myself (have had five different ones in my little AC journey) and they are fantastic, especially for the price/performance

Here's three other thoughts to ponder.

1. I was advised that the output rating of your transformer should be no less than 10x the power consumption of your components. So a component drawing 35 watts should have a minimum of a .35 Kva transformer. Components whose total output draw is 100 watts should have a minimum of a 1 Kva transformer. This is simply to allow more than adequate headroom, like an amplifier.

2. If you're using two transformers, if you hook your digital components into one, and then plug that transform into the other, it will keep any digital AC grunge from flowing back into the line to your preamp and amp. Of course this requires a bigger main transformer.

3. Using the same thinking as above in #2, have your digital components on one transformer into the wall and the preamp and amp on the second transformer into the wall.

Don't be afraid of going too high in power, I'm using a 5 Kva Topaz on a 15 amp circuit. As long as you don't overload the 15 or 20 amp circuit you're using, thinking that you have 40 amps, you should be fine.

Also remember that the lower the capacitance, the better. The .0005 pF is the best, then the .001 pF and then finally the .005 pF.

Plugging 1 into another will not give you more current.
The only way to get "more" current is to use 1 transformer for 1/2 of the gaer and the other transfomer for the other 1/2 of the gear. If you have a hum problem, while using these isolation transformers, then it is due to some interaction between the gear plugged into the transformer and you would need to experiment to find out what is causing the problem. There have been many discussion about solving a hum problem, review them.
Thank you,
Chuck, thanks for telling me about the headroom issue. I will use the 1kva on the pre-amp instead of the amp. I will get a 2.5 kva for the amps.
Cford, I read on a post at audiogone were someone said they hooked two of these in series. I too was wondering about how the current would be increases by this as only so much current could go through the first topaz. But there is smarter people than I in the room when it comes to electronics. So I asked.
Also there are several pieces of gear that hum when not interconnected. It is a power problem in the house. I will get a electrician in here eventually. The topaz will help me isolate it and I can still use them after its solved.
Thanks, Rod

Thanks, Rod
You might consider running your entire system from one 5 KVA (or greater) isolation transformer so as to not bottom out your transformer. Check out my power filtration system in my system.