rewire older speaker internal wiring?

Has anyone rewired an older pair of speakers? and if so was there an improvement in the sound? I have an older pair of JBL 4311B that I am thinking about rewiring. Any suggestions for brands of wire. I have some left over bulk kimber kable that I thinking of using. Speakers are in great shape, just thougth it might be a worthy upgrade project.
besides upgrading the wire, why not look into updating the crossovers also ?
I'm also with Riley. I re-wired my existing speakers with Vampire wire from The Cable Company which I'm sure helped but the greatest improvement was replacing my capacitors with Duelunds VSF.
If you can afford it the Duelund Cast capacitors are supposedly even better?
Capacitor choices are near-limitless!
From Russian military to fragile bees wax you can spend anywhere from a few bucks for say... Solon all the way up to Stratospheric for Jensen or Mundorf or ??

Set a budget for how much you think it's worth, and how long you intend to keep the speakers. They ain't getting any younger!

If you intend to keep them forever and be buried in the box they came in, spend whatever it takes. Any inductors and resistors can be replaced at the same time with audiophile grade parts.
Check Parts Express or Madisound and come up with a plan.

I am currently working on such plans for my panels, doing a rebuild of the STOCK x-over in my 1.6 maggies. Many choices, not the least of which is that I will probably end up with an external x-over since the proposed cap upgrade (Clarity SA) and new inductor (aircore) take up LOTS more space.
thank you all for your thoughts. I would like to explore the caps being replaced, but I have not been able to access the crossover from the inside the speaker box with the drivers removed. The Crossovers are apparently mounted on the front of the speaker behind the controls to adjust the highs and mids gain. It does not appear to be an easily accessed area. Any thoughts? I do not want to destroy the speaker's box. I do understand that the old caps are due for a change as they are most likely drying out or dried out from age. Any ideas would be appreciated. I know they are old an some will not see the point to doing this. I really like the sound of these speakers, but feel they are not what they used to be. All drivers are in perfect conditon, and the boxes are not bad either. Thank you