Phono stage direct to amp?

I'm thinking about using HDMI for CD, SACD, and surround SACD, so that leaves only my phono stage in analog. I'm using a CIA VPP-1 phono stage with a VAC-1 power supply with my Proceed PAV/PDSD. I propose plugging the VPP-1 into the pass-through of an Integra 9.8 or 9.9 processor, thereby replacing the PAV/PDSD. Is the level generally sufficient out of a phono stage for this? If it matters, the cartridge is an Ortofon SME 30H. I'm obviously not a vinyl head, but the phono setup sounds surprisingly good, especially with one of the $50 45 RPM LPs, and I enjoy the Thorens TD160 turntable and SME arm with its adjustments and dangling weight as a toy.

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I use a phono stage through a passive preamp to drive 4 mono power amps currently, it all depends on the output of the phono stage and the input sensitivity of the amp. The best thing is to try it and see how you like it. You won't hurt the equipment, you just may not get enough gain.
A thorens TD160 is hard to beat for what it can do. I should know...I had a TD160 Super. Try Stanwal's suggestion. If gain is too low for your liking, a step-up will work just fine. Now, if pulling the hair out of your head is more your style (typical audiophile behavior,like yours truly), then we can talk about phono pre's later.
Looks like your cartridge has a rated output of 3 millivolts (mv) under the usual test conditions (1kHz, 5cm/sec). Your phono stage has gain which is selectable to either 40db or 50db. 50db corresponds to a voltage gain of about 300, which would result in 900mv into the power amplifier.

That's a bit light for many power amps, but is ok with some. Which one are you using?

-- Al
Also, wouldn't you be using the volume control on the Integra, and if so wouldn't the Integra be giving you some gain, as opposed to being a pure passthrough?

-- Al