Matching Replacement Woofers

Here's a question that will betray my complete ignorance of physics, electricity and quite possibly everything else that matters in the world.

I recently purchased a pair of speakers, only to find one has a blown woofer. Unfortunately, the speaker company is out of business, so a replacement is not available. I would like to replace the woofer, and assume it would be best to replace its mate in the other speaker as well, so the two speakers will sound similar. However, assuming - and this is where my stupidity shows up - that in any speaker system the sensitivity of the woofer must be matched with the other drivers (midrange, tweeter) so they have a cohesive sound, how can I know whether a replacement woofer will have a similar enough dynamic output to the woofer its replacing to pair well with the other drivers? If that question makes sense to anyone but me, I'd appreciate hearing how best to select replacement woofers for consistency in tone (a pipedream, I'm sure!) and most importantly, dynamic output. Also, in terms of frequency range, is there a significant difference between good quality bass drivers of the same dimension, or is frequency range more a function of cabinet design? Thanks much!
Just have the blown woofer reconed/refoamed. Much better to use the exact woofer model when you can. See links below for these services.
Alternatively, check out the manufacturer of yr spkrs woofer, and go to Madisound dot com, and ask for a suitable replacement. Madisound is a well stocked e-shop and has a forum where spkrs designers lurk.
Technically, there is a difference between all drivers. Driver frame, cone, coil materials all play very important and unique roles in the reproduction of sound. Add this to the cabinet design, type, and materials used AND the crossover interaction between all the drivers, and you have many different outcomes. My suggestion is to have BOTH drivers sent to a reputable shop to have them re-coned.