To match quad EL34 tubes

I want to buy 4 brand new Siemens el34 tubes for my Dynaco ST70. The price is $40/one. Is this good price? How can we match quad EL34? or we just biaset voltage 1.56V. I am new to tube amp so I need help. Thanks again.
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The two tubes on the left side need to be a matched pair,and the pair on the right need to be matched.The left side matched pair doesn't have to be the same as the right pair.The left half of the amp is biased up separately from the right side pair.Like Viridian says you don't have to buy 4 matching tubes.It can be two separate matched pairs.The pair on the left could be a different brand than the pair on the right.The left will sound different than the right if you did this,but it would work.The manual link may help.
'Better' is really a matter of taste, and the balance of the rest of your system.

Different brands of tube will have different tonal balance.

If you're looking for a different sound from your ST70, a different driver board might be what you seek. Some will also allow you to set the bias of each tube seperatly.

John C.