To match quad EL34 tubes

I want to buy 4 brand new Siemens el34 tubes for my Dynaco ST70. The price is $40/one. Is this good price? How can we match quad EL34? or we just biaset voltage 1.56V. I am new to tube amp so I need help. Thanks again.
'Better' is really a matter of taste, and the balance of the rest of your system.

Different brands of tube will have different tonal balance.

If you're looking for a different sound from your ST70, a different driver board might be what you seek. Some will also allow you to set the bias of each tube seperatly.

John C.
One important thing I forgot to mention.Anyone new to tubes,please don't turn a tube amp on without speakers hooked up to it.If you do,you may ruin the output transformers. Always make sure your speakers are hooked up first.♫