buzz from one phono preamp more than another?

My Lehmann black cube se makes way more buzz, enough to be annoying, than my Grado ph-1. The Grado buzzez as well , but just barely. I've been back and forth w/ three prong adaptors, different circuits of my house etc. and have run out of ideas. Except a power conditioner. Would that help? I hate spending a lot of $ on something for no results. I'd just swap them out, but the Lehmann sounds better on my stereo. No hating, I even have a brand new Grado Reference Sonata 1 cartridge($5-600 new) that sounds absolutely killer. Except for the hum on the Lehmann. Any ideas would be much appreciated
Ajlimke --

Given you are encountering the hum in both cases; have you experimented with the physical placement of the phono stages (relative to any other equipment, the interconnects & any power cables that you are using).

Cheers -- Bish
Adding to Bish's comment, I tried using a small high intensity desk lamp beside my table, and the transformer produced a crazy hum in my phono pre. I have an lehmann se currently not in use and it's dead quiet. I have read previously also that Grado's pick up motor hum from rega tables. I would do some moving around of pieces to see if your phono is picking up interference from another component (or lamp) for sure
Check your cartridge clips if they're connected properly.
Any clip weak or loose?