Trusted tubemeisters

Hi Everyone!
Just upgraded my Nick Doshi pre/phono and power supplies to MK2 status.
He gave me a list of his preferences in tubes for each...
Some are easily found, others harder and some may be impossible!

I have never been a "roller" so i have no idea of what individuals or companies that sell these are trustworthy as to price and product.

Can you please offer time trusted people who may, as a bonus, have access to the harder lines to find?

Thanks to all!

thanks guys!
I will contact all of these individuals and see what they say....
Also, thanks for such a quick response!

best to all,


P.s. Swampwalker, i'll contact you offline
Any experience with member aztubes?

I've done business with Roger Modjeski, Andy VTS, Jim Sutter, Jim McShane, Brent Jesse and have not had a problem with any tubes from these folks.