Too Many Tubes?

More as a thought experiment than as a description of an actual problem that may or may not exist...

Has anyone ever considred if there might be a problem with too many tubes in a given system? How many tubes is too many, and what might be some issues that could have a detrimental effect on system sound quality?

What do I mean by too many tubes?
1- too many physical tubes (by quantity). Consider an example where you have (let's say) 20 or more physical tubes distributed in your power amp, pre-amp, phono stage and DAC. Besides the obvious potential issues with heat and the cost of rolling and replacing so many tubes, what are the disadvantages (if any) of utilizing so many tubes?

2- Same question, but this time the concern is not the physical number of tubes but the variety of tube types used in a given system. Can anyone make an argument against (or for) using a large variety of tube types in a single system?

For years I used a system with a SS amp (Krell, then McCormack) and ARC tube pre and phono stage. The ARC gear used the same 6922 tubes, and it there was a well-defined (not necessarily great) sonic signature. It was also very easy to tell when a given tube was microphonic or going bad.

Lately, I have been swapping a lot of new (to me) used gear in and out, and the all-tube setups have varied from SET to integrated tube amps w/ phono to all CJ tube seperates. All good... well, mostly, but I have noticed that in the setups with many tubes and/or many tube types it is can be hard to pick out the characteristics of a single tube or tube type. I am not saying that that is good or bad - it just is what it is.

"Tu-be or not tu-be. that is the question."
I wouldn't shake a spear at that statement.

As to the OP's question: It's a "forest or tree" situation.
Tubes, triodes in particular, are still the most linear form of amplification known. So using tubes generally allows one to have less stages of gain and that leads to simpler circuitry. IMO its a lot easier to have too many transistors :)
"I'm pretty busy and researching- purchasing tubes can get out of hand and they sometimes get in the way of actually enjoying music."

Boy! Can I ever feel where you're coming from. The only catch is, when you find that special tube, as Andy from Vintage Tube Services helped me do with a pair of NOS RCAs, and it transforms your system, all the effort becomes so very worthwhile.
The problem is with rolling equipment through your system and not having a system together long enough to really learn it. I think about systems I knew intimately. I could hear a change in the system by breaking a connection be it an interconnect or speaker cable. In those systems a tube going bad was huge. When our system isn't settled in it becomes a love hate relationship with tubes and we wish for fewer tubes or even go solid state for a while as we try to convince ourselves we like the sound. How many times have you heard a reviewer say, this is the most tube-like solid state amp yet?