RCA and XLR shorting plugs??

I see Cardas as well as Acoustic Revive make shorting plugs for unused rca jacks, Acoustic Revive have them for XLR as well. Do any audiogon members use them and if so , what effect does it have?
The RCA Cardas are not shorting plugs. They simply cover the unused jack. They are a nice cosmetic addition that keeps dust out. I use them throughout multiple systems and have never noticed a sonic impact.

Music Direct sells a cheaper knock-off that is not as well made or as good looking, but still gets the "job" done.
I totally agree with Onhwy61. The Cardas plugs - which I also use extensively -- may produce a slight degree of quieting in my system, but that is no certainty. As for shorting plugs, best to check with the manufacturer(s) of your gear since not all components will respond well to their use.