RCA and XLR shorting plugs??

I see Cardas as well as Acoustic Revive make shorting plugs for unused rca jacks, Acoustic Revive have them for XLR as well. Do any audiogon members use them and if so , what effect does it have?
Actually, Cardas makes both the dust cover "caps" (which are described abvove) as well as genuine shorting plugs. You can buy both types frm Dedicated Audio (the shorting plugs are not actually listed on the website but they cary them). My Jeff Rowland Capri's manual specifically recommended using shorting plugs to avoid pops when switching sources.
Correct. An expense way to keep the dust out. Cardas has a video about the caps that is a gas. Reminds me of the three cup trick. Put the ball under one and move the cups around. Now, which one hides the ball? Dude!
As Dgaylin mentioned, Cardas does make real shorting caps and they do work. I was getting some cross talk from my VTL pre and put the shorting caps in my unused inputs & that solved the problem

The caps you usually see simply keep the jacks clean & they come in both RCA & XLR, as well as other configurations.

If you google "rca shorting caps" you'll find a lot of info, including DIY on the cheap. The only thing I would say is to make sure the manuf. says that it's ok to use on your gear.
Here are some cheap ones.LINK>>>[http://www.mcmelectronics.com/product/27-5335]