My Pass Labs Preamp (XP-10) has both Balanced and unbalanced outputs. Each are said to be able to be used at the same time because the outputs are buffered.(whatever that means)
Anyway, the balanced goes to my Pass Labs X350.5 Amp and the unbalanced goes to 2 powered JL Audio subs.
The sub interconnects are maybe 20 feet each. The Balanced cable that goes to my Pass Labs Amp is 10 feet.
Thats is a lot of wire, will this present a problem as you stated above?
I have disconnected the 2 interconnects that were going to the subs and everything seemed to sound the same, but now you got me wondering...
My Pass Labs Preamp (XP-10) has both Balanced and unbalanced outputs. Each are said to be able to be used at the same time because the outputs are buffered.(whatever that means)
Anyway, the balanced goes to my Pass Labs X350.5 Amp and the unbalanced goes to 2 powered JL Audio subs.
The sub interconnects are maybe 20 feet each. The Balanced cable that goes to my Pass Labs Amp is 10 feet.
Thats is a lot of wire, will this present a problem as you stated above?
I have disconnected the 2 interconnects that were going to the subs and everything seemed to sound the same, but now you got me wondering...