Cable lifters/towers- voodoo or the real thing?

This is something I've been wrestling with for some time. After spending as much on equipment as I have, I'm hesitant about dropping a rather menial sum on cable lifters or towers. It's literally the cost of a few cases of premium imported beer, but I just can't believe what I read about them. Six Moons glowed about Dedicated Audio's Cable Towers, but I'm not sure if I buy it. Perhaps it's because I don't understand the reasoning behind them. Any opinions or thoughts to educate me here? Am I being an idiot not getting any? Right now, I just have a tangled mess of cables lying on the floor, suspended in air from being relatively it a good way to tweak a system?
Depends! I am not sure about the tonal effects of cable lifters but I do know they help keep my massive speaker cables from bending or pulling down from the terminals of my mono amps which are raised off the floor by virtue of sitting on amps stands, Copulare style.

My speakers are bi-wired and if I were to leave the cables hand down from the amps, they would bind really bad causing an eventual bending of the terminals on the amps and or the connectors themselves.

I did not want to stick plastic or cardboard as lifters to raise the cables so I decided on one of the high tension varieties that a lot of people are using, the ones that are used for telephone poles or electric poles. They work great in that I do not have cables that are stressed.

I do not think I ever noticed any change in sound in my system with or without them. My speaker cables are about as thick as the Pangea AC9's, they are OEM Neotech pure silvers, ahem, some other high end cables name is on them in other varieties.
Six Moons also glowed about these - I'm not buying :)

Seriously, cables can be microphonic (probably depends on the cable) and isolating them from vibration seems reasonable. Inverted styrofoam cups are an inexpensive test.
Went with 5/8" thick foam rubber pipe insulators from Home Depot. No difference that I can hear. Insulated speaker cords and power cords. Nothing. At least I can now step on the cords with impunity and not worry about damaging them.
HI all ! The purpose of lifting the cables is to get them in the air with cable elevators everyfoot or so . Just sliding insulation over them just lets them lay on a flat surface which is where you started .Putting the cable elevators closer together makes the bass tighten up more. I like to put them slightly different distances apart to even out the string resonance of the cables.