Differences in sound as related to watts?

I want a bigger sound. What will a bigger amp do? I am looking at big speakers that will work on 20 or 500 watts. What is your recomendation for a bigger sound?
Yeah efficiency and your room size and how loud you play.More likely to damage speaker by clipping an amp than running it with price greater than recommended rage though this has it's limits of course.But point about say lager "sound stage" isn't going to happen with same speakers and more power necessarily.But some speakers though like Maggie's,Sonus Faber's,B&W's etc can run on "X" but when you feed them copious amounts of power they come into their own.
I appreciate all the help. It seems that the concensus is speakers. I remember sometime ago hearing B&Ws that sounded big. Can anyone comment on that. Thank you.
In reading through the thread I don't see where there's a consensus about speakers. Although several people have asked you to explain what you mean by "big sound".
All things taken into consideration, efficient speakers are going to yield a bigger soundstage near-field without bursting your ear-drums. Inefficient speakers need space and lots of power.