Pandora is fantastic. I have about forty different "stations" programmed in and they play a great variety. I personally use a Sonos ZP-90 and have a dedicated 1TB NAS drive supplying AIFF files to it as well. I even use my iPhone as the remote. (careful if you have friends close by that you let get on your wi-fi when they visit. One of my buddies stands outside my door every now and then and puts on rap while I'm trying to listen to Muddy Waters. Not cool. But its his way of knocking on my door ;-) ... Moving on. While it sounds decent, it isn't outstanding. I'm sending my ZP-90 in for the $550 Cullen mod and I'm going for either a W4S DAC or a PS Audio Digital Link DAC iii w/ Cullen mod as well and I'm quite sure for that $2k I can get very close or better than some high end CDPs.
I do see a lot of good reviews for the HRT. However, you mentioned "cost no object". I can't say stay away from it as I have not auditioned it but the same reviews I've found for it simply say it's a great dac for the price. So that right there didn't sell me on it. Might work for you. If it does, great! If not, step it up a bit.
I do see a lot of good reviews for the HRT. However, you mentioned "cost no object". I can't say stay away from it as I have not auditioned it but the same reviews I've found for it simply say it's a great dac for the price. So that right there didn't sell me on it. Might work for you. If it does, great! If not, step it up a bit.