USB Cards to Replace Compact Discs?

Did anyone read this posted over at audiophile audition?

"USB Cards to Replace Compact Discs? - First Impression Music sees the technology of USB audio cards and accompanying drives replacing CDs in years to come. They are credit card size and played on a USB player, computer or music server. FIM has already produced the first USB audio card in 96K/24-bit format, and is working on the development of a high-tech USB player, operating much like a CD player, and capable of playing true 192K/24-bit files by clicking a remote control. Such cards are to replace the hassle of hi-res downloads and library problems. FIM hopes to have a production unit in the near future."
Sony tried this with a special release of Michael Jackson' Thriller. The promotion was not very successful. It seems the compressed sound turn people off. The vinyl records of that title continue to sell very well.
"Build it and they will come"

The PS Audio PWD seems more like the way of the future, although I would have preferred the DLNA receiver in the transport for downstream DSP or HT.

192 kHz format is just confusing things, like DVD-A and SACD, with doubtful benefit. Better taken care of in the hardware.

Eventually, they might even release music that I want to listen to in hi-res digital. If I live long enough.
Seems like I heard about this idea a looong time ago. It'll probably be a feasible reality a looong time from now.
This was discussed over at
You can learn more about it here with pictures.

It has 24/176.4 FLAC files
Whenever the major recording lables allow direct duping from their 'high res' masters... all of them BTW... regardless the genre, life would be great for the audiophile and finding HD music easily and affordably wouldn’t be an issue..

The problem is the bulk of recording sales isn't aimed just at us. We're the minority here. We'll get overlooked over and over again... Or be required to pay a premium for what could and should be commonly available at nominal costs.

90% of the music junkies out there are quite happy with iPods, ear buds, and downloaded 128K compressed music. The whole of their content gets carried with them wherever they go in their purse or pocket.

Remember the tube output stage docking station for the Ipods? They went over like the Hindenburg, dispite the improved sound quality. And modest costs.

The new or next generation as said above has been trained to hold all their music on something the size of a value pack of gum. Even movies now come off the web in HD.

Libraries and collections will soon be more memory than matter of fact. Terabytes instead of volumes. I think the only obstacle then will be the manner in which the music actually gets conveyed.

We might just wind up having to take some sort of storage drive into an outlet and download it onto the drive right then and there… or music selling stores are just going to vanish altogether and T1 connections will be the norm for home networks.

Values have nearly evaporated from society and now society gets to be still more anti social and remote as for few exceptions, no one will even have to leave the house pretty soon.

Some of my friends now, only have to go into the office once a week.

The films “Surrogates” & “Gamers” could well be editorials for future times, than simple fantasy’s.

Ain’t social progress great?