TrippLite hospital grade power stripe

Has anyone tried TrippLite hospital grade power strips? Such as ( I was going to build the DIY power center found at Audio Tweaks but in my search for parts I found the TrippLite website and now I'm not sure which way to go. I'd appreciate opinions from the more experienced.

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I use the wiremold 9 outlet strip. My only issue with it is that the outlets are too close together to allow use of the big round hospital grade plugs - I have to skip every other outlet, so I can only use 5 of the 9.

Thank you all for your response to my question. I decided to go for the TrippLite power strip for additional outlets. (

Well I've had the TrippLite Model: PS-606-HG plugged into the wall outlet for four days now. Compared to the 99cent pwr bar it replaced it's like night and day. Simply stated there is now MORE music. Money well spent.