Difference b/w RPG Skyline and GIK QRD diffusors

What is the difference b/w these two products in acoustical terms. They seem to be of a different design, but supposed to achieve the same acoust. effect (diffusion).
What should one expect to actually hear in the room with one product in place, vs. the other?
Rives Audio specified design with 6 RPG Skylines on the front wall for my basement, which is $2400. And I'm wondering if GIK QRD panels will offer comparable performance for significantly less money ($258 for two 2'x 4' panels).
Here's another alternative for you. The Alphasorb panel from www.acousticalsolutions.com. As I recall they are about 470.00 per pair delivered. These panels are not as visually challenged as other diffusors.

I can't comment on how they would compare with your other contenders. I will say that these are very powerful tools and 2 or 3 on the wall makes a profound difference. It is easy to over do it in a room my size. I own 4 panels and with my current setup only use 2 on my back wall.

GIK also has the D1 diffuser as well which would be a less costly option as well.
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