PASS LABS XA-30.5 vs XA-60.5

Hello all,
Has anyone heard the differences between these two amps, and have done A/B comparrisons on them? I have a XA-30.5 that I'm using with Totem Hawk Speakers. The XA-30.5 drives them very well, but I have been told the 60.5’s give you much better smoothness and cohesiveness, better imaging, better bass control, greater ease and greater resolution.

Here's the million dollar question:

I am ready for my next upgrade and have roughly $6000. Should I upgrade to the XA-60.5's or upgrade my Esoteric X03-SE cd player to the Esoteric seperates P-05 transport and D-05 DAC??

I have very appealing offers for both options.

Any Thoughts?

My system:

Pass Labs XA-30.5 amp
Pass Labs X0.2 preamp
Esoteric XO3-SE cd player
BPT 3.5 Ultra Sig. power conditioner
Totem Hawk speakers
AudioPath custom IC's and speaker cable
Shunyay Python CX power cords
hello all
i have the xa30.5 driving the audio physic scorpio ii 91dB and 4ohms. i wonder whether 30.5 is the best for me or should i upgrade to 60.5 or 100.5
If the needle isn't moving on your 30.5, I would be inclined to keep it. If you do upgrade, go for the 100.5.
Thank you Onemug. The needle stays at 12oclock 95% of time except for when i play rock really loud. have you compared the CJ to Pass Labs XP20 preamp. the XP20 is SS and balanced.
I had the XP20 for about a month. It's a great preamp but ultimately liked the sound I'm getting from my tubed CJ mated with the Pass. Knowing that tubes can sometimes be problematic, I told my Pass dealer that I will just send him a check for the XP20 if I ever start having problems with tubes. So far the CJ ART and ACT 2.2 have been perfect.